Dr. Raymond E. Turner (Major Ray) discovered that hyaluronic acid (HA) is the molecular pattern of Ezekiel’s Wheel and Moses’ Temple Veil while at MIT (See HaShem Veil). A recent photo of Turner was taken at MIT Nano Lab. Visit One MITor search: Raymond E Turner without periods, commas, etc. In 2006, Turner was immortalized at Fort Nelson Park as a Portsmouth, VA notable along with such hometown greats as Missy Elliott (in photo with my wife and me), Ruth Brown, Perry Ellis, the late Bill Deal, the late Ada Barbour and several others (see photo). He was recognized for his creation of community colleges and university research initiatives, (1) now at MIT.
Former Tenured Professor of Mathematics and Chemistry, and Executive Dean (Retired), Roxbury Community College (Boston) of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Post-doctoral Fellow, Harvard School of Public Health (5/87-5/88)
MLE Program, Harvard Institute of Higher Education (6/08-6/20, 1997)
Managing High Performing Based Teams, MIT Sloan (1998)
Honorably Discharged US Army Major (DAV, VFW)
The MATRIX: A Model University-Community College STEM Parnership
The M.A.T.R.I.X. (Multicultural Alliance for Technology, Research, and Information Exchange) is the brainstorm of Dr. Raymond E. Turner. The program which is now in the Materials Research Lab at MIT began when Turner realized that the universities in Boston surrounding Roxbury Community College (RCC) could be recruited to form a scientific learning community through use of technology. What started as group of students engaged in laboratory research at Tufts and MIT evolved into the A.T.O.M.S. program. RCC students and faculty from MIT, and Tufts, Harvard, Boston, and other area universities were recruited from 1991-2005 to participate in STEM research. Turner, the principal investigator of ATOMS, received funding from NIH and NSF. After 2005, Turner, who expanded the program to Bunker Hill Community College, transfered the MATRIX program to MIT, who funds the program to this day.