…And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters (Gen 1:2): HA has interfacial surface waters. Hypothetical equation for a Spirit-driven trans-dimensional veil that has quantumness:
Definitions (1, 2, 3) Role of conscious mind (4, 5). The modulator (spiritual interactions) represents a bridge between the physical veil, HA poly-ionic cloud, and divine influence.
The modulator encapsulates divine interaction as a phase and coupling adjustment that works synergistically with the biophysical veil. This mechanism highlights the bridge between quantum physics and theology, conceptualizing how spiritual input enables the soul’s transition through the veil. So, the tunneling probability through the veil is given by the last equation, T.
Conceptual Framework for the Modulator
The modulator adjusts probability of the soul’s wavefunction tunneling through the veil, incorporating spiritual factors. Its conceptual form can be expressed as a Divine energy coupling constant, and a proportionality constant representing the strength of interaction between the soul and divine energy (analogous to coupling constants in physics). This constant could depend on spiritual principles. We should also consider the quantum phase shift due to divine influence (e.g., Christ’s sacrifice). It accounts for alignment with divine principles such as:
A resonance condition could occur when the spiritual “frequency” matches the soul’s quantum state, maximizing the tunneling probability.
Charge density dependence (e.g., HA’s charge density, structure, and hydration state).
The tunneling probability, through the veil, incorporates spiritual interactions such as tunneling through the physical potential provided by the veil.
Interpretation of the Modulator
Divine Coupling:
If there is a large (strong divine interaction), tunneling becomes more probable, representing a soul aligned with divine principles.
Phase Shift:
A positive phase shift aligns the soul with spiritual resonance, enhancing tunneling, while a destructive phase shift might suppress tunneling.
Charge Density:
Higher charge density (representing an optimized HA structure) could create a more permeable veil, facilitating the transition.
Spiritual and Physical Resonance:
For maximum tunneling, there must be spiritual resonance and physical alignment.
The modulator encapsulates divine interaction as a phase and coupling adjustment that works synergistically with the biophysical veil. This mechanism highlights the bridge between quantum physics and theology, conceptualizing how spiritual input enables the soul’s transition through the veil.
The AI generated image above demonstrates how a water sheath encases HA chains forming a quantum enabled biomatrix veil. On the nanoscale one can imagine an entangled HA communications network, which show various twists and angles with increasing chain size. Such a hydrated biomatrix veil has quantumness, which forms a trans-dimensional gateway between heaven and earth. Jesus’ flesh was represented by the veil of the tabernacle or temple (Hebrews 10:20). In this reference, the veil made visible whatever passed through it from the world beyond the veil. Those who shed their earthly garments (veil) on this side of the veil, were cloaked in garments of glory on the other side.
We are within the HA patterning (embroidery) of the Hebrew temple veil in that we are the temple of God (1Corinthians 3:16). Also, because we are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), who was the Spirit in the “wheels” descending from heaven. He admits he is the temple (John 2:19).
The Spirit is the driving force for biomatrixgenesis (John 6:63) through our hydrated quantum cloak. As the seed of the woman, (Genesis 3:15) the only begotten Son of God redeemed us. His Spirit transforms the heart of “Believers” (Ezekiel 36:26). Hidden messages in water reveal that HA, a pattern of Moses’ veil and Ezekiel’s Wheel, embroiders gospel messages through self-assembling HA fragments and organizing water molecules.
Due to its affinity for water, HA forms a quantum cloak. Dehydrated HA (GlcUA-GlcNAc)n becomes (C42H63N3O33•1895 H2O). Perhaps our HA cloak separates matter and spirit dimensions with highly selective boundary conditions.
As suggested in figure 1, the quantum consciousness proposal by Hameroff and Primrose may require HA to form a quantum bridge for spirit-soul trans-dimensional transport. For example, Human RHAMM (receptor for hyaluronic-acid-mediated motility) has been shown to be associated with spindle formation in microtubules. Peters et Sherman delineate HA’s role in neurological processes.
God can write his messages on the veil of our heart using his Spirit (2Corinthians 3:3). The tearing of the Temple Veil (Matthew 27:51) may be the most important event to occur in the entire universe. Since the fall of Adam, we needed to be redeemed. First, the Jews and then the Gentiles (Romans 3:29). Human intellect and our sinful nature will not help us find truth.
Hydrated hyaluronic acid segments are surrounded by a water solvation sheath. The poly-ion forms intramolecular and intermolecular hydrogen bonding indicative of an HA quantum veil. The criticality of water in our biomatrix veil should not be underestimated.
As a final thought consider what the hem of his garment, the temple veil, and the Spirit-filled Ezekiel’s wheel have in common. I would say they all have in their patterning, the transforming power of the Spirit. I perceive that faith is the force that acts when you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth the risen Lord Jesus (Romans 10: 9).
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